Loving on a Prayer, Living in Faith
I have not seen the sky in months, 6 maybe 7. Kind of easy to lose track of time and yet be unbearably aware of its existence. I am awakened at around 5:30 am usually and on court days (once or twice a month so far) about 4:30 am and then remain in shackles
The time in front of the judge is the only time I am not in shackles around my waist and handcuffed to either side. The wait in the holding tanks usually 3 feet by 7 feet high is among those disorienting experience that are carved into your sensory memory, some days as long as 18 hours surrounded in filth of both indefinable and unidentifiable sources.
Welcome to the strangest episode of my other blessed life as I near one year in LA County jail, which if not for the fact that those absurd allegations have landed me and kept me in her I would find this more of a dark comedy – but I don’t. These are serious allegations with high stakes and simply put these are lies based an malicious intent stemming from all those inclinations like greed, scorn and hate that like in Blake’s “Poison Tree” feed on the darkness.
How I “react” and handle this will probably be among the greatest challenges of my life and even when I win, could I possibly find forgiveness towards them? That may be an even greater challenge to see how my family, in particular, have had to suffer along if not more than I have.
Dangers: there is a possibility I may not survive this ordeal, I realized this most blatantly while in a holding tank at court the only place where you actually “interact” with another inmate with only steel bars separating you. This is the closest thing to “socializing”.
“I really see why ‘they’ hate you AJ…” I was curious despite my added alertness. “You look like one and you have an attitude like one BUT you are not one.” “One what?” I asked. “A fucking homo, you punk, don’t play dumb with me AJ”, he hissed rather playfully. Part of me wanted to snap back and say “well dick! I wouldn’t BE in this situation if I was, considering the nature of the charges…” but it’s exactly that kind of wise crack that is majority of the reason that got me in this situation.
So like the yogi that must first learn to calm and control his own impulses and confront his fears before he can hope to direct the raw forces of nature. I never got his name but he reminded me verbally that I was indeed facing a death sentence. How right he was. Part of the reason was that I was an anomaly be default and it brought back memories of 10 years ago when my fabulous classmates at Parsons half joked about me as “the only straight guy more interested in getting clothes on a woman’s body than off.” That would be good punch line for the jury, wouldn’t it?
The threats against me escalated over the first 5 months and got so bad with my food being kicked around and all night howling sessions and hurling sessions of substances with such aggression that its better not discussed. One deputy demanded why I eat kosher and how it meant to him that a rabbi spit into it as a blessing. When I was arrested the detective’s severe racial and anti-Semitic comments echoed – the prejudice the bigotry and gave me a taste of what my ancestors endured - a subject that I’m limited to expand on as long as I am still in here for commonsensical purpose to avoid backlash – my safety in here.
Before I was moved to total solitary confinement I was on a row of “high profile” and was constantly made fun of due to my total ignorance of “crime as a culture”, particularly about drugs although several of the complaining witnesses claim to have been drugged by me. A local drug pusher to the clubs who, being familiar with my case commented, “I can see why they hate you…” Again I was curious. Talking to him on the reflection of the one-way mirror. “It’s your image and attitude. You come off as the perfect party guy and these chicks, even if they don’t get to make it big, at least expect guys to pay for them to get high, party and get laid and that’s what they expect. And what do they actually get? A workaholic into passion and meditation that avoids substances and wakes up at 6:30 in the morning. Talk about personality and culture clash. No wonder you feel they used you and they feel you used them. But the difference is all they gotta do is point their finger at you and you’re in jail buddy.”
Was it really that simple? Culture and personality clash? Could it go that far?
Yoga, meditation and the love of my family and God have sustained me as I grapple through blankets that have blood stains dried in forming tie-dyed patterns and battle nocturnal visits from entities that include, but not limited to, rodents, insects (that I have not even seen in the jungles of India!) How much is my imagination? I’m not really sure? But the whole thing feels like a Stephen King novel turned into movie directed by M Night Shyamalan.
David Del Toro – a former Fire Captain facing Death Penalty (also on my row before isolation) also came up on his own “I can see why they hate you… it’s like that Dreyfus Affair, good old politics. It’s election year, you’re kind of a celebrity, media and most of all its about the money.” It made me second-guess if it was the best decision I had made a few years ago when several of these complaining witnesses ganged up together and tried to extort money. I made the right choice it seemed and now with the incredible extent of damage makes one wonder if the best choices and the right choices don’t always match.
A fair trial is a wonderful context but more of a satire in my case based on how this has been manipulated and has been anything but fair. No one besides the parties involved (traditionally “two”) knows IF even alone intimacy / sex happened or much less if it was consensual or not – wouldn’t one call 911? Get a rape kit or at least STD testing? Would anyone continue to follow, travel, live with someone who allegedly assaulted them?
A fair trial seems practically impossible when multi-jurisdictions of prosecutors lead by an obsessive CA prosecutor “gang-up” and first raise incredible demands for bail and when that is shot down by the judge – they change the court and thus the judge and then create a legal gridlock with “no bail at all”.
How can one defend himself without access to his last 8 years of life, witnesses, record, paperwork? And how is one supposed to possibly fund all of this without being able to work? The few hours that one can get a private investigator at $125/hr inside to meet, how effective can that be? All the while both hands of mine chained down to the table where I can’t even flip a page or write notes! Would any of the witnesses even talk to a random PI even if they wanted to speak
the truth, considering the police already contacted several and either ignored their statements or the statements went “missing” when it did not suit their agenda. More ironic is the fact that none other than the very chaperone that was there to protect me and make sure no underage alone, drugs, etc. Today she and her daughter are among the leaders of the pack. Makes you wonder when they initially tried to blackmail me in 2006, maybe just paid them off? It’s all about the $$.
FIVE grand juries have been pulled on me denying me a preliminary hearing. Less than 3% of the country gets even one grand jury.
A “fair trial” seems more like a “fairy tale” when ALL the exculpatory evidence has been kept hidden from the grand jury by the prosecution. When you find out of witnesses being coaxed by the detectives as in the case of a father who only 2 days prior to my arrest sent a text thanking me for getting his daughter out of drugs then admits 3 weeks later based on a call where the same detective coaxed him with “graphic / creepy” details about some 15-year old, now he’s not only turned against me as a witness but now his own daughter is a complaining witness too!
Conveniently the texts and all traces of the favorable evidence has “disappeared” from the cell phones and computers seized.
I could go on and on and feed the fear and the cycle of hate. Then I realize that this is the test while some get a trial of fire, some inherit an inferno, and all one can choose is how we face these adversities. Either we do so in despair or in dignity. A hundred lies cannot change the truth. I do know that there is a purpose to all of this and it is beyond my own exoneration. It is also about making sure something like this never happens again. The freezing cold of this place, scrubbing daily to avoid catching diseases like “staph” – something like mad cow and the dizzying humiliation of it all – yet I know that I am blessed and closer to my family and loved ones then ever, and blessed with a meaningful life. A life when even these dark ages shall soon pass. God clearly had bigger plans for me than just influencing the hemlines and though I can and will win this ordeal I may not survive it and this makes me concerned about the pain my lived ones will go through. That is a fascinating concept that I think more about them then myself – maybe its inner alchemy simple as that to learn to love others more then yourself [besides my pencil (I only get 2 per week) is running out of lead so I also learn patience]. Maybe that’s what it’s all about – taming the ego and revealing love.
Love and Light,
Anand Jon
Hi Sharon
This is really an eye opener for many who are not aware of what is happening with Anand. But for me, who knows the family well, I have always thought why is justice taking so long?
Good or bad, it mustn’t take this long to even start up things and put them in place! This is too long that Anand is waiting and it is not acceptable! I am sure Anand will come out innocent, but when is the question! It is not 1 full year yet but it seems eternity for me and others who are closely watching what is happening and anxious of what the outcome is!
If ever there is something to be done about this, it is justice and quick justice plz!
Posted by: Karthik S | July 23, 2008 at 08:58 AM
What a creepy letter. God won't forgive him and show him what's ahead until Anand is honest with himself. America is not India. Our women are not meant to be abused.
I hope he stays in jail for a long, long time.
Posted by: Mellisa | July 25, 2008 at 01:30 PM
Creepy is right. Mr. Alexander has been convicted by a jury and is right where he should be.
Posted by: Lisa | November 22, 2008 at 02:16 PM
Indian women have pride and dignity and are treated with pride and dignity.Indians abroad preserve these values . This conspiracy will not live for long and The pride of Indian designers abroad- Anand Jon will be proven innocent because he is.
Posted by: Sam,India | November 23, 2008 at 01:20 AM
Man and Woman are two halves of One Body....and This whole System of Justice is inflicting so much "Fear" in the Hearts of Men and Women against each other ..... In Order to carry out the Imperialistic instints of selected few in Power.....But What No Body realizes is that "We" are more than "Machines" and Man/Woman are inseperable Part of One Orgasmic Consciousness.
But System Have Been Able To Blind People by Making a Declaration "Having Sex is equivalent to Rape and It's Man Who always does Rape" ....
Dumb Humans are buying that.....under the illusion that they are not one of chickens to be slaughtered in future.........
Message To All the Wonderful Strong Women of the World: You are the other half of the Man and If Man is downgraded to such an extent...Women can not survive either....Simply because it's not "Two"..It's One and the Same.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing Journey called Life..
Posted by: Jatinder Singh | November 25, 2008 at 11:04 AM
The latest ruling about jury mistrial is even more shocking- what influenced the jodge to make a decision like that?
Posted by: Puri | July 08, 2009 at 07:41 AM
"What a creepy letter. God won't forgive him and show him what's ahead until Anand is honest with himself. America is not India. Our women are not meant to be abused.
I hope he stays in jail for a long, long time.
Posted by: Mellisa | July 25, 2008 at 01:30 PM"
what is all this supposed to mean. we in india treat our women with dignity and respect. women in india are worshipped in various forms, from durga to kali, from mother mary to mother teresa.
But i do accpet the fact that we are still a developing country, with a literacy level which stands nothing if compared to other nations, this does play a part, and a few practices against the women are prevalant in some parts. But isnt that happening in other countries even? Don't you recognize that it was a californian involved in serial rapes and murder.
Please don't racialize this issue. AJ, like everyone else does have his right to prove his innocence. Read his points, why did those women follow him, travel with and live with him, after being sexually assaulted? This points out to the fact that the sexual encounters were consensual. And no law rates consensual sex between two sane adults as rape.
Be logical....
Posted by: Dr. Mehta | September 01, 2009 at 10:46 AM
'what is all this supposed to mean. we in india treat our women with dignity and respect. women in india are worshipped in various forms, from durga to kali, from mother mary to mother teresa. '
Then why is a leading cause of female death in India 'accidental' kitchen fires, Dr. Mehta? Is Indian really that dangerous or is it because it's cheaper than a divorce?
Regardless of opinion, this is one for the courts to sort out.
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Posted by: Rolex watches | October 14, 2010 at 02:43 AM
Perv deserves to be in jail , good riddance to bad rubbish.... wait till he gets AIDS in jail... DIE SICKO!!!
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